Braze Mate 100 LS
Two Station Brazing/Soldering Machine SEQUENCE OF OPERATION: Operator loads assembly into stainless steel fixture mounted to 18” dia. dial plate. Paste applied with automatic dispenser gun. Operator presses touch button and manually rotates dial plate 180° into locked position. Dual touch buttons pressed to actuate automatic heating/cooling cycle. Operator loads and pastes another assembly on…
Heating Manifold & Fixture Cart
HEATING MANIFOLD & FIXTURE CART For brazing and soldering machines Do you have a brazing or soldering operation that joins multiple part numbers? Need a way to keep track of interchangeable tooling and heat manifolds between part runs? Get organized with a heat manifold and fixture cart from Fusion. The triangular-shaped unit permits manifolds to…
Pistol Grip Applicator Gun with Tool Balancer
Pistol Grip Applicator Gun For manual dispensing of brazing/soldering paste Fusion’s new “pistol grip” gun attachment is compatible with FE-71 applicator guns. Comfortable grip handle, with toggle action switch, permits easy application of paste deposits. Timed control enables repeatable deposit sizes ranging from small dots to continuous stripes. PISTOL GRIP GUN WITH TOOL BALANCER For…